Saturday, April 16, 2011

Night hanami

The sakura season is basically over.  Most of the trees have quite a bit of leaves on them and most of the petals have fallen down.  It only lasts a few weeks.  In retrospect, it was all quite nice but I feel like I have experience it enough :P.  A few days ago, I went back to that river from a previous post to experience night sakura viewing.

Before going to see the sakura, I took the subway from school to Aratamabashi.  It was getting dark but not yet, so I walked around trying to find a place to eat.  And I found this:
I could read the "ebi" and "soba" on there so I went in.  It was funny, a person welcomed me in Japanese (very standard) but then it looked like one of the customers said "welcome, welcome" in english which made me smile.  After a while, the older man put on an apron and went to the kitchen to cook :P.
You can see some of the menu on the walls - handwritten, took me a while to decipher some of the hiragana.

 So I ordered a tempura soba which looked like this.  It was pretty tasty:
Then, with a fed stomach, I walked to the river (not too far) for the hanami.

 While there were some lights by the trees - it was not very good for taking pictures.
 So most are a bit dark...
 These were by the soccer stadium so there were lights from above:
 Some small trees of different kind by the park:
 This large tree looked pretty neat getting some light from the stadium flood:
 Can you see the moon through the sakura? of course!
 It was quite a relaxing walk and I wasn't the only person to be doing it.

 Closeup on the flowers:
 But you can see that leaves are taking over:
 The petals on the road like snow:
Overall, I walked a few kilometers and it was enjoyable.  Then I headed away from the river towards a subway line and I went home.

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