Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Earthquake near Nagoya

Probably related to the large earthquake a few days ago, today evening was an earthquake between Tokyo and Nagoya (in Shizuoka) with preliminary magnitude of 6.4.  I felt that one quite nicely on the 11th floor of my apartment.  About the same feeling as the large earthquake a few days ago but a bit shorter.  Here is the intensity map:
This one happened on land so no tsunami.

Regarding the 9.0 earthquake that happened a few days ago, here is a map of the aftershocks to date (483 on this map).  Many of them 5M and above:
Crazy!  The red square between Nagoya and Tokyo is the one I described above.

I forgot to mention something I wanted to mention.  I was talking to one of my lab members in the lab today about this whole earthquake thing and he said something that I felt very profound and quite interesting.  The Japanese islands were basically formed due to the same forces that cause these earthquakes... so this is Japan... this is (including the earthquakes, the volcanoes, the tsunamis) home for Japanese people!

If you are interested in how the Japanese islands formed, you can find a good description on this site.


  1. Definitely crazy. Are people panicking over there? It's hard to judge from the news over here. Are there fears in Nagoya about the Fukushima plant?

  2. Hmm... no panic - Japanese people don't panic! :P I'm sure there is an unease about the nuclear problem but from what I could dig out (of course not from the outrageous things reporters say on places like CNN and the like) there shouldn't be a problem outside of the 30km or so zone. The amount of stuff that can get to places like Tokyo is quite small.
