Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Umemi - part 2: A Shrine

One day I was biking around the Ozone area and came upon this shrine which was filled with ume trees.  So naturally, I decided to visit.
The entrance torii gate (a nice recognizable characteristic of a Shinto shrine):
I parked my bike in a small car parking area - it was empty.
The white ume blossoms looks very nice:
There were lots of bad fortune papers tied around the tree.  If you get a bad fortune, you tie the fortune paper to leave it at the shrine and not take the bad luck back home.
Some smaller ume trees near the main building:
The main shrine building:
There was a set of cows along the path.
Plus, a lovely pink flower ume tree:
The other side of the main shrine building - you can see prayer boards hanging:
Pink tree against the white trees:
A sea of flowers:
A smaller ume tree with large flowers:
Some ume trees with finer flowers:
There was a place where they sold stuff and one of the things were little figurines that people placed near this cow:
So I bought a little cat.  (beer can only to show scale - did not come with the cat)
Thank you shrine - your trees were lovely!

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